If you're a dog owner, you know how important it is to keep your furry friend...
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Pets are like family members and that is how they should be treated. But unfortunately, our furry friends can't speak our language to inform us regarding their own. So it is up to us to look for their discomfort signs in order to diagnose their seasonal allergies.
Whether you have a dog or a cat, both of them suffer from seasonal allergies. So whenever you notice the signs of allergies in your beloved pet's behavior, then these are five things you need to do to take care of them:
Most allergens are caused by the bacteria that spread on the skin of your pets, mainly due to lack of hygiene. It is recommended by experts to give your pet regular bath to keep them clean and avoid environmental allergies. Pets should be given a bath every seventh day of the week and even more frequently if required. The shampoos that you use while bathing your pet should be animal friendly; otherwise, it can worsen the allergies in many cases. Besides shampoo, it is also better to use a leave-in conditioner as well.
Ear cleaning is very important when it comes to avoiding seasonal allergies. Things like broken hair, allergens, and bacteria can contaminate your pet's ear canal easily. These things then cause irritation and can also trigger seasonal allergies. So to avoid this, you should gently clean your pet's ear canal whenever you bath them. The best way to clean an ear canal is to flush it lightly with water and then wipe it clean with a napkin or soft cotton. Another way to avoid allergies in the ear canal is to pluck the hair from inside it.
Another vulnerable area of your pet's body to seasonal allergies is the eyes. It is necessary to keep your dog/cat's eyes clean at all times by dropping an irrigation solution in them. There are no specialized eye cleaning solutions created for pets, which means you can buy the one that humans use on their eyes from a local pharmacy. This solution is very effective in eye cleaning and should be used as frequently as necessary. Eye drops that contain antibiotic steroids or any other drugs can also be used.
Diet plays a vital role in avoiding seasonal allergies on your pets. Novel proteins and carbohydrates (that your pets have not consumed before) should be avoided. Stay vigilant regarding your pets so that they don't consume human foods that might be harmful to them.
The first thing you should do when you suspect a seasonal allergy in your pet is to take them to the veterinarian. This is because sometimes your pet might be facing a more severe condition or illness that has nothing to do with seasonal allergy. A veterinarian examines your pet thoroughly and gives your beloved pet a proper treatment that it deserves.
If you want to learn more about pet health and behavior, read our post on Your Dog's Sleeping Positions. They can tell you a lot about your dog's health and energy levels! Check out Game of Bones for a fun read!