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How to Clicker Train a Cat

Clicker training is a positive reinforcement training method that is often used for cats and dogs. Although similar, clicker training dogs is a little different from clicker training cats. Although the basic premise is the same, you might need to give a cat a little more time to get the hang of it than you would a dog. Here’s how to clicker train your cat:

  1. Grab the clicker (which can be purchased at your local pet store or online) and your cat’s favorite treats broken into small pieces.
  2. Click the clicker and immediately toss a treat to your cat.
  3. Repeat this process at random intervals over the course of a few days.
  4. Continue this process until you notice that your cat looks at the treats when they hear the clicker, meaning they now know that a click means a treat.

The steps above are known as “charging the clicker.” Once this is done you're ready to teach your cat some tricks! The most basic trick is “sit,” here’s how to teach your cat to sit:

  1. Start by holding a treat to your cat’s nose with the clicker in your other hand.
  2. Slowly move the treat up so that their head raises and they naturally move into a sitting position.
  3. The moment their bottom hits the ground, click and give your cat the treat.
  4. Once they get the hang of it, start incorporating the verbal command.
  5. Repeat this process until your cat sits when they hear the verbal command.
Elizabeth Muenzen

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Pets: My dog Benji is mixed Yorkie, Poodle, Chihuahua, and MaltiPom (YorkiPooChiMaltiPom?), yet he mysteriously bears no resemblance to any of these breeds.
Fun stuff: I love to cook!

Content Specialist

Pets: My dog Benji is mixed Yorkie, Poodle, Chihuahua, and MaltiPom (YorkiPooChiMaltiPom?), yet he mysteriously bears no resemblance to any of these breeds.
Fun stuff: I love to cook!

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