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Endura Flap Dog Door for Door Installation Video

Video Transcription

Hi, I'm Nick from Patio Pacific, and congratulations on your new endura flap door mount pet door. I'm going to show you how to install it.

You are going to need the following tools: a large, level straight edge, safety equipment, torpedo level, pen, tape, screwdriver, tape measure, reciprocating saw, and drill.



First, you are going to tape the template to the door; you want to make sure the cutout line is at least an inch and 1/4 above the dog's shoulders. Also, you want to keep in mind that you don't want to cut too low on the door because you do not want to jeopardize the structural integrity of the door.

 taping the endura rough cutout


With the template in place, now I am going to drill the four holes and remove the template. Since this is a hollow door, I want to apply tape in between my holes to prevent splintering. Now, draw lines connecting the outsides of each hole.

drill the holes endura door mount  


Now we are going to cut along the lines using the reciprocating saw. One trick I like to do is use a piece of cardboard to put between the saw and the door to prevent any needless scuffing.

 endura door installation


Now I am going to install the weather stripping on both frames. The start point should be at the bottom center of the frame. With the weather stripping installed, insert the trim frame on the outside of the door and the flat frame on the inside.

 endura door mount weatherstripping


Refer to the instructions to select the proper screws; in my case, I have a 1-3/8" door so that I will choose the shorter set of screws. I'm going to start all four screws, but I will not tighten them. Before tightening the screws, level the pet door and then tighten the screws.

 screwing frame into door


To finish the installation, hammer in the hole plugs using the wooden end of the hammer or another non-metallic tool. This concludes the installation of your Endura Flap door mount.


add hole plugs endura door installation


Replacing the Flap in the Endura Flap Dog Door for Doors




How easy is the Endura Flap pet door installation process?

We've done our best to make our dog door installation process as easy for pet owners as possible, but it does require a few DIY skills. If you aren't confident in carving holes into your exterior door, using drill bits and jigsaws, or are just confused as to how to drill holes into your pet door frame, then it might be wise to invest in hiring a professional installer. 

Is the installation process different for double flap doors?

There are a few variations, but they are mostly the same. Check out the instructions on your dual flap pet door for more information.

Can I use caulk to seal the pet door to my door or drywall?

You can, but sealant will make it harder to replace damaged flaps. 

Can I install this pet door into my patio door?

As long as it is a "person" door, you should have no problems installing the Endura Flap pet door. However, you will have problems installing it into your French doors, screen door, sliding door, and garage door. It's best that you buy the right pet door for the material you're installing it into.


If you have any questions, you can call our customer service department at (800) 826-2871 or contact us by email at