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5 at-Home Treatment for Diarrhea in Dogs

If your dog has diarrhea and you’ve ruled out the need to take them to the vet right away, it’s important to treat them at home the best you can. You’d be surprised by the number of diarrhea cures hiding right in your kitchen.

dog using pet door

Understanding the causes of diarrhea in dogs can help you determine what treatment to use. Often, diarrhea in dogs can be treated at home with stomach-soothing foods like the ones listed below. These are some quick, at-home fixes for diarrhea in dogs:

  • Pumpkin: Pure pumpkin puree or canned pumpkin specifically made for dogs is great for settling your dog’s stomach.
  • Rice: Plain white rice is a great stomach soother to give your dog.
  • Yogurt: Plain yogurt contains active cultures that can help calm your dog’s stomach when they have diarrhea.
  • Cottage Cheese: This gut-soothing cheese is a good option to feed your dog when they are not feeling well.
  • Potatoes: Potatoes boiled with the skin removed can help calm your dog’s stomach when they have diarrhea.

Make sure you determine the cause of your dog’s diarrhea. Did they ingest an unsafe plant or a toxic fruit or vegetable? Are they experiencing separation anxiety? Understanding the cause can help you decide whether you need to take your dog to the vet or not. If you rule that out, try out these at-home treatments to treat your dog’s stomach troubles.

Elizabeth Muenzen

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Content Specialist

Pets: My dog Benji is mixed Yorkie, Poodle, Chihuahua, and MaltiPom (YorkiPooChiMaltiPom?), yet he mysteriously bears no resemblance to any of these breeds.
Fun stuff: I love to cook!

Content Specialist

Pets: My dog Benji is mixed Yorkie, Poodle, Chihuahua, and MaltiPom (YorkiPooChiMaltiPom?), yet he mysteriously bears no resemblance to any of these breeds.
Fun stuff: I love to cook!

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