How to Install a Dog Door in a Glass Door Slider
Aluminum Single Piece Panel Installation Instructions PDF
Video Transcription
I’m going to show you how to install a Patio Pacific Thermo Panel.
Remove the panel from the box, you will find all the instructions along with the foam weather stripping and a draft stopper. Make sure that you don't apply any weather stripping until you have put the panel in your tract and know that it will fit both your door and your pet.
To put the panel in your track, you will first loosen the thumbscrews. This will release the spring mechanism. You are going to put the top of the panel into the top of the track and the bottom into the bottom right on top of that rail. And then you are going to slide the whole thing over into the door jam against the wall.

At this point, you can tighten those thumbscrews to make sure that it fits into your door. In some cases, it might be easier to do this from the outside of the track if the track wall is too high on the inside. Close the sliding door against the pet door to make sure that there are no gaps. If there are gaps, refer to the tricks and workarounds included in your packet.

All of our thermo and quick panels come with a user adjustable step over feature. This allows you to change how high the flap is from the ground to make it the most comfortable height for your pet. Once you have determined that the door in the right size for your pet, you can remove the panel and apply the weatherstripping.
Lay the panel down on its side to apply weather stripping. From the end of the panel working up towards the spring mechanism, adhere the weatherstripping inside the channel unrolling it little by little. When finished, trim with scissors. When you get to the top, it is easiest to cut a piece of the weatherstripping to apply directly to the sliding glass door.

You can put the draft stopper on the back edge of the sliding panel here or the back edge of the sliding panel here or the outside here. If it is too wide, you can also trim lengthwise but be careful not to trim too much as that would prevent it from doing its job. Also remember that you want the draft stopper to just barely kiss the glass; if you overlap too much, you will wear down the adhesive and will not stay installed for long.

You will also have a clamp lock with your panel. The clamp lock will simply clamp on to the track wall and prevent the sliding door from moving beyond the locks placement.

Aluminum Two-Piece Panel Installation Instructions PDF
Align the aluminum connectors extending from the bottom flap panel section with the top glass panel section. Press the aluminum connectors into the holes at the bottom of the top glass panel section. Ensure locking cover & thumb screws are on the same side.

Gently tap the bottom surface of the panel against the ground to completely insert the connectors. Protect hard surfaces to prevent scratching. The components of the panel are designed to slide together very tightly.

Fasten the two panels together using the four stainless steel hex head screws found in the panel packaging. Use the hex wrench to tighten screws so the two halves of the door are pulled together.
Screw holes may look misaligned; this is intentional to ensure a tight fit. The panels will squeeze together as the screws are tightened.
Replacing the Flap in the Endura Flap Panel Pet Door
Video Transcript
You will need a phillips head #2 screwdriver (a magnetic one is preferred), and a flat head screwdriver.
Lay the panel down on its side so that you can see the screw holes that are in the side of the panel on both sides. Remove the 2 screws on either side nearest to the bottom of the panel.
Move up the panel to locate the second set of screws, usually about a third of the way up through the cross piece right under the glass. Loosen the two screws a quarter turn. Slide the flap assemble out of the bottom of the panel in order to get to the flap.
Locate the rod that holds the flap. If you have the retainer rings that are holding the rod in place, then you can pop one off using the flathead screwdriver then slide the rod out. Remove the old flap.
Use the blow dryer to slightly heat the bellows, these are the accordion like sides of the flap and stretch them to ensure a proper seal once installed.
Slide the rod back in. If you have retainer rings, push one back on the end of the rod. Make sure that you put the ring back on with the teeth pointing out away from the flap.
Slide the flap assemble back in place in the bottom of the panel. Be sure that the tracks for the locking cover are on the same side as the thumbscrews near the top of the panel. Screw in the bottom piece with the 2 screws that have been removed.
Tighten the screws that are under the cross piece and you are done.
Adjusting the Step Over in Endura Flap Panels
Video Transcript
You will need a phillips head screwdriver.
Unscrew the bottom screws on both sides. It is easiest to hold the panel on the ground, sideways between your legs to get the most leverage.

Loosen the middle screws, underneath the glass, turn one turn.
Remove the flap and frame from the panel, as well as any spacers you wish to put below the flap.

Remove the bottom piece. This can be a little difficult, so just give it a little tug.
Slide the flap and spacers and bottom piece back into the panel. Note: the bottom piece must remain on the bottom.

Make sure the locking cover is on the same side as the thumbs screws, and that the flap is not upside-down.
Tighten all the screws, and you are done!
Step-Over Notes
"Step-Over" is the height of the bottom of the pet door above the ground. In other words, it is the height that the pet must "step over" to use the pet door. This dimension is extremely important for the pet door installation process!
The top of the door flap is ideally placed at least as tall as the pet at the withers (top of the shoulder). Usually, you'll need to add step-over height to get the flap up high enough. For example: Your dog is 22" at the withers and you buy a new pet door with a 15" flap. You'd need a 7" step-over to get the top of the flap up high enough. If you had purchased a 19" flap, then you'd only need a 3" step-over.
Generally, the shorter the step-over, the better. As dogs age or become arthritic, it becomes more difficult to manage going through doggy doors with a higher step-over.

When installing a pet door in a door or wall, you can choose the step-over dimension. However, for most patio panels the step-over is fixed. The exceptions are the Quick Panel 3 and the Thermo Panel 3e which have a patented user-adjustable step-over.
Measuring Track Height
Using a ruler, measure inside the track, very top to very bottom. Always compare your track height to the adjustment ranges shown for the various pet doors. Endura Flap offers custom heights for odd-sized sliders and windows so that you can have the perfect pet door installed. Most others don't.

Measure the inside of the track with measuring tape or a ruler from the deepest part up inside the top track and down into the deepest part down inside the bottom track. Don't assume that it's a "standard" size track, it's very important to have accurate measurements. Always compare your track height to adjustment ranges shown for the various dog doors. Endura Flap offers custom heights for odd-sized sliders and windows.
A Note of Caution when measuring your track height:
Even though your measurement falls within the adjustment range of the high-quality sliding glass pet door you have chosen, you could still have a problem if you are at the shorter end of that range. It requires some clearance to get the doggie door up and over the track wall at the bottom and into the track.
You should measure the height of the lowest track wall at the bottom (usually the outside). You'll need enough compression to clear that height. Please call our customer service at 1-800-826-2871 if you have any question about this.
Our doors have special provision for decreasing or increasing the adjustment range a small amount (about 3/4") on the job site. This feature can save having to ship the sliding glass panel pet door back in case of a small measurement error.
If you have any questions, you can call our customer service department at